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PR Blog Series: Meet Natalie

When you donate to Positive Ripples, your donations go towards many different programs. The program we are highlighting in this week’s blog post is our micro loan program. Payments are received on the 28th day of every month and after analyzing the progress we have made thus far, we are proud to be in the 4th month of this payment cycle with close to 200 payments already repaid. We have tried to get away from simply giving away money and moving towards more micro loans. By doing this, it allows for us to still help people and get them back on their feet by giving them a loan to start a business of their own that will help them to make a sustainable income and once the loan is repaid we can then continue to give to others in similar situations. One of our micro loan recipients is Natalie. Natalie is 35-year-old wife and mother of three from Uganda. Natalie’s husband tragically suffered the loss of his leg and her three children are all enrolled in school. Getting a job had been a near impossible task for Natalie and she desperately needed to be able to provide for her family. She looked for employment, but it was difficult due to her lack of education. Positive Ripples decided to help Natalie by providing her with the means to begin a food business that sells food products and beverages to workers and students. Items like coffee, bread, bananas, milk, spaghetti, and hotdogs are sold at the market. Natalie’s situation is similar to many other people in Uganda and other impoverished countries. Many people suffer from difficult circumstances that are only emphasized by their lack of education since it is not as easily accessible in countries such as Uganda. We are proud to be able to help Natalie and many others in similar situations through gracious donations. To be able to continue to spread Positive Ripples we kindly ask for your donations. To donate visit:

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