PR Blog Series: Coffee Trees

Similar to last week’s blog post, we are highlighting another one of our micro loan programs this week! During Hurricane Matthew, many coffee farmers in Haiti lost most of their crops. Since coffee farming was the main source of income for these farmers, with their crops destroyed they were left with not only a ruined farm, but no source of income as well. Positive Ripples loaned these farmers enough money for them to purchase new coffee trees and replant their crop. Coffee trees take three years to start producing harvestable coffee beans. We ask that our micro loan recipients begin to repay their loans only once their trees have started producing sufficiently. Once the farmers have their crops again, they then begin to pay back the loans. The farmers pay back 50 cents per tree and only pay for trees that are harvestable. Therefore, trees that have no return, are not paid for. With the loan repayments, Positive Ripples then uses the money to fund other micro loan programs and also contributes to an agricultural fund in Haiti as well. Although these micro loans are repaid and therefore able to fund other projects, we would like to be able to continue to help others like the coffee farmers without having to wait for loan repayments to be collected. With your donations we are able to continue to spread Positive Ripples and make the world a better place. To donate visit: